A project by Ben Boring. :)

I like the idea that we can go anywhere in the world with a camera, and make it our playground. Try things. Act on impulse. Be open.

The playground isn’t necessarily the real world. It’s yet to be corrupted. It’s idyllic. However, it’s still home to real moments. Moments that depict how we might’ve seen the world, back before we were 'taught' anything. A journey back into 'the beginner’s mind' if you will. Where everything’s new, and everything’s beautiful.

Tips for taking flicks in the playground: Look for what’s fun. Look for what makes you feel like a kid again. Don’t overthink it. Act like you’ve just picked up a camera for the very first time. Romanticise everything.

Remember: Sometimes the most obvious shot is obvious for a reason. Pull the trigger. Don’t get caught up in trying to do something different. Do what’s right. You’ll know. Follow your intuition, and never second guess it.

In the edit: Make the image and the moment one and the same. Bridge the gap. No imagination required. You’re just recreating what you’ve already experienced. Making it vivid, and full of life. Bringing it back to life*, in fact.

This is the mantra behind my most recent work, of which you can see a snippet here. Welcome to the playground.